Sunday, October 3, 2010

I've been checking in on this blog every once and a while and am sad to see that I have no followers :( oh well that's not a big deal. People can read without following, and I'm not writing this for the enjoyment of others. It's mostly a way to blow off a bit of steam. I've always liked the idea of someone reading the things that I read - so hopefully someone does happen on this eventually ;)

I've been doing a bit of research lately on this volunteer association that's based out of Africa. It looks so cool! I'd get to go and take care of lions. This would include things such as walking them through the Savannah, preparing the food, and assisting the head vets. It would be quite an amazing experience. Not to mention would look good on my resume should I continue on to vet school some day. Aside from that going to Africa would be so much fun!

A lot of my family has been pressuring me to take a couple years off and go traveling. (Funny how most people get pressured into school :P not me) After some thinking on this matter I've come to realize that the reason I do not want to travel is that you are always moving and there isn't one place that you can call "home." On this note, one of the things that most appeals to me about this trip is the fact that you stay in one place for the entire time.

The site also talks about the things that you can do in your free time. Stuff like swimming with elephants and going into town to hike. I'm so excited! Now I just need to converse with a rep from African Impact to see what time of year would be best to go. Also how long I should stay. I'm thinking six weeks but you don't want to overstay your welcome.

African Impact Volunteer Project

That's about all that's going on in my life right now. Also tomorrow I'm going shopping with Stacy. Get to check out the new section of Chinook that just opened and then catch a movie. Should be fun :)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

fat face!

After my surgery my parents kept laughing at me... they'd see me and think of the joke I used to tell when I was younger. I would squish my cheeks in and say, "My mommy says that fat kids can't smile. But I say they can..." My parents figured it was great that I could do the joke without holding my cheeks.

until we meet again.

There really has not been a whole lot that I have been able to do since the jaw surgery. I tried going to the mall with my parents but I have to admit that it was rather odd. Not, as you may assume, because I was with my parents. the outing felt weird because I felt as though everyone was starting at me. I've been told often enough that I look pretty normal, but I still find that looking in the mirror is a bit painful. At least I'm not as swollen as I was before... good thing I'm not totally vain haha. I heard that after her jaw surgery Sam Hemming had her mom take down all the mirrors in their house. I can kind of see why now.

I also went to the Show 'n Shine in High River with my grandparents yesterday. It was pretty neat seeing all the old cars that had been repaired; to think of all the time and money that went into it... could put me through university! Most exciting about that day was the fact that my grandma made me meatloaf! And it was surprisingly easy to eat. This whole no-chewing-for-six-weeks thing has really been getting on my nerves and it's only been two weeks... but it bodes well that I've been able to eat meat so easily :)

Today was one of the saddest that I have experienced since the end of RRC. I had to say goodbye to my best friend - of ten years no less! We figured out an anniversary a little while back and as far as we could figure we have been besties since December 1999. It makes me feel old just thinking about it! Anyways, she's off on her way to Scotland (for which I totally envy her) and I can't help but be extremely saddened by the fact that she's going to be gone for six months... the longest we've gone without talking has got to be two months at most. Even then it was only because we were lazy and not because we were in different continents! Though I would like for her to stay here for selfish reasons, I know that it is by His will and so I can't help but be happy for her. Hopefully we stay in touch - and even if we don't get to talk as often as I would like (seeing as how she will be busy learning and teaching) perhaps reading each others blogs will make it seem like the physical distance between us is lessened.

Anyways, that's about it for my boring life for now. Hopefully there will be more to talk about as time goes on.